
The Best Bulk Snacks for Preschool & Daycares

Stocking up on healthy, yummy foods for your daycare, preschool or school doesn’t have to require multiple stops and hefty prices. In fact, shopping at Shamrock Foodservice Warehouse may just be easier than keeping squirming students in their seats during snack time.

Some of our top picky palate pleasers include Cheez-Its, Keebler Crackers, Nabisco Ritz, Austin Crackers, Nutri-Grain Snack Bars, and Uncrustables.

If you’re looking beyond the box, we also carry both fresh and canned fruits and vegetables, deli meats like turkey and ham, sliced cheeses and dairy products, including yogurt and milk.

For straightforward snacking, we love these cheese, meat and fruit kabobs. And yes, Shamrock Foodservice Warehouse carries the skewers too as well as all the disposables needed for efficient snack time!


    Feeling creative? Make the well-balanced bear in the image above. Use plain or toasted bread with peanut butter or an alternative spread, such as jelly or cottage cheese, then top with sliced bananas and raisins to make the ears, eyes and snout.

    While you’re visiting our friendly warehouse store, be sure to check out our frozen section (chicken tenders and fish sticks anyone?), paper and disposables, cleaning and sanitizing supplies, etc. You’ll also want to join our Shamrock Rewards My Store Savings programs for even more ways to save with exclusive deals and savings. It only takes a minute and our store associates are here to help!